Embracing your Extra Day!

Feb 29, 2024

Hey Fabulous February Mind,

I know that my newsletter comes out on Wednesdays, but I couldn’t resist writing on February 29th (I’ll have to wait until 2028 for my next opportunity!)

You know how we often say, "I wish I had an extra day"? Well, consider this your official extra slice of time. But before you dive too deeply into your day, I wanted to share some subconscious thoughts about making the most of it (and other days to come).

Let's talk underachievement (yep, you read that right). I tend to usually work with high achievers, but aiming too high each day can be a recipe for 'I'll do it someday' (see it all the time!)

So today, I say, make it your goal to underachieve— instead of a 2 hour gym session (that may never happen) make it a 10-minute walk, instead of a silent and peaceful meditation session (if you’re in the middle of chaos) try closing your eyes for 15 seconds (If you’re looking for an simple one refer back to the week of calm – eyelid relaxation), instead of a PhD thesis this afternoon maybe
a couple of pages of that book you've been meaning to read... you get the picture. These small steps might not seem like much, but they're the building blocks for lasting habits.

Our subconscious mind loves repetition, loves repetition, loves repetition! Each time we repeat an action, however small, it starts to stick, becoming part of who we are. Imagine becoming someone who takes a walk every day or writes a couple lines in a journal – now you’re a mover and a writer. Before you know it, you'll be doing more without even thinking about it consciously.

Sometimes when we “chunk down” it also makes it easier to get a deeper understanding of what we really want and need – which
ends up making our time better spent.

Imagine being able to do anything with a spare day… learning flamenco in Buenos Aires?

While flights may be tough to find, this could be a “leaping” off point for the essence of your dream day. It could be moving your body more (start with a tune and a dance in kitchen?), exploring the exotic (trying an Argentinian restaurant to start), or connecting with others (there may be groups closer at hand for just now)...

When we tune into the deeper reasons/wishes behind our desires, we can often find more meaningful, manageable ways to integrate them into today. And when we have more events that actually mean something to us, it often feels like we have more time.

This is also true in the reverse. Sometimes looking more deeply at the things that fill our time gives us an opportunity to rejig, reframe or reduce some of the things that may no longer/not be working for us. And that creates more space for what does. It might just feel like you've conjured up some extra time!

So, enjoy today. Let it be the launchpad for many more fulfilling days ahead—and thank you to the Romans for inventing leap years. 😉

Wishing you an (underachievingly) successful day,