Talk like a... Pirate?

Sep 18, 2024

Ahoy mateys,

Tomorrow is talk like a pirate day, so I’ve been looking into the how speech and the subconscious mind can affect our life. Shiver me timbers… avast and we’ll chew the fat on this one… (blimey, the translations are at the bottom of my message, yarr!)

Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen!

You may be new to pirate speak, yet it’s the same as learning any language, or skill, or pattern… there’s a vocabulary that you begin to understand, start to integrate and then automatically use as you become more comfortable with it.

Not so surprisingly, there are not that many supportive words or phrases about positive mental health in my pirate vocabulary. Similarly, your glossary for the things you have done or the way you deal with others might be scuttling your chances at getting what you really want…

Bilge and Pillage

When we listen to others and then speak to ourselves, we develop shortcuts of vocabulary that become automatic and more efficient over time. However, included in this quick mix may be some inner dialogs that run a gig on your confidence and sense of self.

It’s not that all our experiences from landlubber to seadog aren’t valid. It’s just that, now and again, we may need to shift the messages that we hear from ourselves so we don’t accidentally walk the plank into undesirable waters.

And it’s challenging sometimes when we’re surrounded by social media bilge rats, vying for our attention with opinions and viewpoints that focus on the worst of humanity and the weaknesses in ourselves. But once you are savvy to possible scuttlebutts from within and without, you’ll be able to sail more soundly.

The proof is in the Bounty

If you aren’t getting what you need and want in your life, there may be a number of factors, some of which you might not be able to control. However, the way in which you speak to yourself and respond (in words, feelings and actions) to others is within your domain.

Sometimes it’s as helpful as a (reverse) treasure map. If you’re getting the wrong booty, then you might be starting from a different place then you need to.

It’s never too late to bring a spring upon ‘er – and working directly with the subconscious mind helps make that shift to a different direction and better destination much easier. Chat with me to see how hypnosis can support you in any rough waters.

Argh! Now, aren’t you going to be ready when you meet your first pirates? You’re welcome 😉

Fair winds to you,

Pirate Translations (for your next sail darning circle):

Ahoy – greeting
Matey – friend or comrade
Shiver me timbers - expression of surprise
Avast – command to stop and pay attention
Chew the fat – friendly conversation
Blimey/Yarr - expression/emphasis
Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen – get the ship going!
Scuttle – sink a ship
Bilge - nonsense and foolish talk
Pillage – to rob on the shore
Landlubber – inexperienced person
Seadog – old sailor
Run a gig – play a trick
Walk the plank – walk off board into ocean
Savvy – to understand
Scuttlebutt – gossip and rumors
Bounty – a reward for capturing a criminal
Booty – a treasure
Bring a spring upon ‘er – turn the ship in another direction
Fair winds – goodbye and good luck