Want change? Go back to school...

Aug 21, 2024

In many locations, kids are returning to school. New routines and outfits, new challenges, new learning… wait, that sounds like everything we (adults = kids in bigger bodies) go through when we start a new project, create a goal or want a change. So maybe it’s time for US to go back to an empty blackboard and write a new lesson plan for a better life.

It’s as Easy as 1,2,3…

Often the difference between adult and child learning is that adults expect to know everything before they start.

If you were introduced to the multiplication table for the first time, I’d guess you wouldn’t learn it all in one sitting. Through repetition, corrections, repetition, support, repetition… you might become more proficient at it. But big kids think it’ll be one and done. Like it’s as easy as 1.

Not so with the long-term subconscious mind – it needs repetition to compound and strengthen information (think of ads, they tend to repeat for a reason).

So, the next time you feel down about not understanding something new the first time, just remember that you’ll probably have to experience 2 and 3 before it sinks in…

“All things are difficult before they are easy” Thomas Fuller

Jock, loser, socialite, genius… and other stories

In many school systems, students need to take a prescribed course of study, including all the skills that educational departments deem necessary for a successful life.

Those whose strengths didn’t fall into those categories, if lucky, discovered them after their school life. But most were scarred in some way – tarnished by labels that implied that they were lacking, no good, or not enough. Labels that are internalized within the subconscious mind can affect the way we see ourselves and move in the world.

Even those who fit the mold and were labeled “smart” might have found their Achilles heel later in life, when something wasn’t easy for them and they relabeled themselves “not smart”, even though some effort may have made it possible. We tend to internalize “that’s the way I am” rather than “that’s how I’m living up or down to a label I’ve been given”.

I’m not saying you need to re-label yourself “best in the world” (only because you might get label whiplash), but maybe you can start to question old (and maybe outdated) labels that may not be serving you or aren’t relevant anymore.

The names we call ourselves might be worse than schoolyard bullies. Let’s start to change some limiting (and nasty) voices in your head. The first step is knowing they’re there!

"Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning" Rumi

Sometimes you need to study differently

My dad worked to support children with different learning challenges, so he helped some students do oral exams when they had trouble writing them. My cousin recorded the periodic table in Gregorian chant on repeat so it became a habitual program she could recite when needed.

If something’s not working, why not try something else?

But often we double down on the way we’ve always been doing something, thinking it’s US at fault, not the system in which we’ve been trying to learn or function. While there are general tips for minds and learning, your particular set-up is unique.

Your subconscious mind is a complex network that can connect easily and quickly when allowed to. Is there something you’re really good at that you do in a certain way? Might your strengths be better used in a different area? What continues to feel hard, no matter how much you work at it?

When you ask questions (or ask a friend), you may appreciate your true strengths and creative ways of learning a little more. While it might not be “standard”, you’re anything but!

Give yourself some grace to realize that the way things always have been seen might not be the best – for you or the world!

“I never let my schooling interfere with my education.” Mark Twain

Is it recess time yet?

Can you imagine going to school without a recess, lunch or break? It would look a bit like a dystopian nightmare, right?

But once we leave a place with time set out for breaks or play, those activities seem frivolous or child-like. You’re a serious adult with a lot of things to do.

How many times have you (or someone you know) been so tired or stressed that (professional or personal) work or relationships suffer even though you put in the time?

Your mind NEEDS recess. Musical notes are just noise if you don’t take a beat and put in some rests!

Our attention and focus, ability to learn and work, rise and fall as naturally as the tides. If we push through too much, we may be working on borrowed time.
I’ve seen many clients who have experienced burn out because of “one more thing”. When they learn not to override their needs, get the sleep they need, connect and enjoy parts of their life more, they tend to be more fulfilled and productive within their new self-caring world.

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning.” Fred Rogers

Remember, you’re there with others who are in the same boat bus

Sometimes it might feel like you’re alone in the stress, overwhelm, challenges or exhaustion. You’re not.

But it’s natural to feel that way. Just remember that life has its ups and downs. The natural world undulates and shifts and you are part of nature. There are a lot of new things to do and learn. That’s growth rather than stagnation.

You’re always kinda in school.

There are others in the same situation as you, trying or struggling to figure out the confusing lessons we get faced with daily. It sometimes feels like we’re all flunking at something.

There are also teachers and guides who can help you find the answers that are right for you. That may help you feel like you are in your best class.

"We need to unlearn our respect for education, since it has undermined our respect for ourselves" Gloria Steinem

Your subconscious mind is a powerful place to start making changes easily and profoundly. If you’re interested in speeding up a learning/change curve, enhancing a skill, overcoming a weakness, experiencing a new way of doing/feeling/being in the world, or learning how to support your greatest health and happiness, let’s connect – this is what I do and I’m here to help. Schedule a quick free chat or see how we may be able to support you. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this as well!

You’re always A+ in my books,