KISS (keep it shorter, sunshine!)

Sep 11, 2024

I admit it. I do go on…

Maybe it’s because I love my work. Maybe because I want everyone to know the potential power they hold within their own subconscious. Maybe because I love writing… but I know that few have the time to read all that I write (for those who have, thanks for your patience).

So, I’ve decided to take some of the strengths of the deeper mind and write to them directly. What will future communication look like when I source the subconscious?

Only one thought

Analyzing and rationalizing is the domain of the conscious mind. And while we like to think that we can multitask switch effectively, it really is an inefficient way of learning. A single point of focus allows the subconscious to latch on fast (and connect with past learnings more easily).

Simple language

The subconscious is the childlike mind, so fancy-dancy words and lofty ideas may fly over the head of your deeper mind (no matter how smart you are!) Clear and easy to understand language speeds processing and integration (getting the idea and putting it into real world situations).

Maybe a quote or story

The subconscious is the storytelling mind. It might stumble over tables and stats (unless they show a trend or paint a picture) but loves a good tale. Stories travel with us and incorporate into our world more seamlessly. And quotes are memorable snippets we tend to grasp quickly, like mini summaries we can put in our subconscious pockets.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein (see how it works?)

Put some feeling into it

Emotions live in the subconscious mind. When we feel something or when it connects with deeper bodily or emotional qualities, we tend to relate better, remember better, or learn better. Emotionally charged subjects cut through the noise of intellectual jargon, connecting with our colorful and nuanced inner realm naturally and relevantly.

Connected to YOU

You are the most important person in your own life. If you don’t get something out of what you read, why would you read it anyway? I’m always aware that the smart people who read my writing are looking to create the best life for themselves. It’s about you, not me (even when I write about something in my life, it’ll come back to you, promise!)

Ok. So, I still went on a bit long. But the trend is better, right? And I wonder how you might be able to use these tips in your next conversation with someone else, when writing to another person, or even when speaking to yourself? Let me know how you might add these tools of the mind to your everyday.

If you’ve been grappling with some patterns, thoughts, feelings, behaviors that aren’t working for you anymore, schedule a chat with me – the subconscious mind is a powerful force to have on your side, and hypnosis helps you to take back your own power, from the inside out.

KISS (knowing initiates supportive steps),