Internal Independence

Jul 03, 2024

In 1776, the American colonies revolted against British rule to establish an independent country. In 2024, there’s a lot of “stuff” going on around the world that, to some, just seems revolting. 😉

In my profession, people come to me with personal and professional quandaries.

However, I’ve also found that world events, political and legal headlines, and even the effect of social media trends can pile on to the stress, negativity, or helplessness that people may already be feeling in their direct circles.

While we humans are social creatures and don’t tend to work well in total isolation, I’d like to propose a question. “If you were a country, how independent would you be?” More clearly, how is your inner structure holding up – be it your physical, mental or emotional structure – against the invasive forces around us?

So, using quick-notes from the U.S. War of Independence, let’s look at how you might set your territory in a way that provides you with the best “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”.

What’s taxing you?

While history books write of “taxation without representation” (colonists paid taxes but didn’t have a say in their political future), we can see this in our day-to-day lives as well.

Sometimes we may feel powerless to influence the dynamics going on around us. If we can’t make the world “right”, what can we do?

A friend of mine told me once that her husband was the General and she was the Major – he made the general choices (world peace) and she made the major ones (kids to school, budgets, daily operations). We might take a hint from that – if we focus on the major choices in our own lives, aligning our decisions and actions with our best perspectives and organizing style , we can move towards a more functional personal world.

And as we support our own constitution and actions, we act as a living example to others. We shift the power structure to things within our control. We figure out where to pay our resource (time, energy, support, etc.) taxes and where we can let them go.

It's important to note that while physically taxing chores are evident on the outside, the mental and emotional weight is something that we need to support ourselves with – because that load may not be visible to others.

Starting a conversation with others before we “throw our tea in the harbor” (lose our composure) may help in bridging new and more useful communication patterns.

What rules will you throw off?

Because this is all about you, from the inside out, what are some roles that you have made (up) and are “forced” to follow that may be putting strain or stress on your life?

Want your house looking like social media influencers (or feeling like a failure when it doesn’t)? Angry that others don’t think or behave the way you do (the “right” way (even though their experience and history probably makes them think theirs is the right way as well)? That value or worth is based on A, B and C (rather than 1,2 and 3) – especially if you’re good with “numbers” rather than “letters”?

When an assumption or standard makes you feel badly, it may be an opportunity to question whether it really serves you or whether you can adjust or release it for something that works better in your life now and into the future.

Or maybe it might be a shift in your perspective or emotional weight that will make a positive difference.

What does freedom mean to you?

Many political pundits use the word “freedom” and think they are saying the same thing. But below big concepts are a lot of details that may shift from person to person.

Does it mean money, time, support (or other resources). If you take a little bit of time and imagine a “free” future, what does it include? What does it exclude? Not as a vacation dream, but as a daily way of being and feeling.

The wonderful thing about subconscious sovereignty is that you don’t require anyone else to give you the freedom that you want.

Within your own mind, you have the potential to shift your path to give you a different direction so you can pursue what makes you independently successful in your life (another word you may want to dig deeper into and define for yourself).

I’d like to look at these tips as more than a way to start an uprising. I’d like you to see it as an opportunity for you to Rise Up. Your own personal independence is possible, starting from the inside out. If I can support you, please let me know.

Through relevant revolutions and personal peace,

Stats and thoughts:

With $4 billion spent by Americans on beer and wine, $2.7 billion spent on fireworks, and 150 million hot dogs eaten on the 4th of July, you may notice that a lot of people are doing similar things. Which can be great if it works for you. But if you’ve been doing something that you don’t want to do anymore, you can change the statistics (just a bit) by changing yourself. Hypnosis can help.